We had a long birding session before a 7:30 AM breakfast, then a nice hike on well-maintained, well-laid out trails that, unfortunately, were mostly bird-free. The owner lamented to Nick that there were not very many birds, and no one knew where they had gone. The highlight was the Prong-billed Barbet, which must have been standing in the back of the Barbet line when the colors were being handed out.
After lunch and a siesta, we walked down the road (the way we came in) almost back to the pavement. Pretty slow until the end, when we found a very large, very impressive flock of migrant warblers. Both at breakfast and in the evening, they put out cracked corn for the Black Guans; 29 of them by my count. This has to be the world capital for Black Guans. Lots of hummingbirds, too.
It's a wonderful facility. Great food. Lovely climate, too. I'd recommend it to anyone, not just birders.