For birders who may be interested in birding Southern Ecuador, we have some comments, suggestions, tips and notes.
Guides: We are big fans of Tropical Birding. Great guides, terrific organization and decent prices. They have both organized tours and custom tours. We put together a custom tour. Tropical Birding is delight to work with, and we give them out very highest recommendation.
Guidebooks: There's really only one bird guide to Ecuador, Ridgely and Greenfield, The Birds of Ecuador. When there's 1,700 or more species and 750 pages, the bird guide isn't small or light to lug around in the field. A lot of folks have a bookbinder cut out the plates, laminate them, bind them with a comb binder and haul that around instead.
Lodging: We spent most nights in Jocotoco Foundation lodges. They are clean and comfortable, if not fancy. The food was very good, but then Ecuador has uniformly good food. Nights in hotels were a mixed bag. The Hosteria Duran, in Cuena - really a resort - was elegant, with hot springs pools. By contrast, Hotel Orillas del Zamora, in Zamora, had hourly room rates, which is never a good sign. And the staff at Hotel Izhcayluma, in Vilcabamba, was simply rude.
Travel: Tropical Birding provided a bus and driver. Both were excellent. Even starting frm Guayaquil, there's a lot of driving. The roads weren't bad, but the Andes in Southern Ecuador have been put through the geological grinder; there were mudslides everywhere. We were never blocked from a destination, but there were some detours.Wthe best birding is in the rainy season. The roads wash out. I would not want to attempt some of the driving myself, especially in Guayaquil, where most drivers seems suicidal.
Gear: The essence of birding is to see a lot of different habitats. In Ecuador, that means a considerable amount of time spent at high altitude. Even in Ecuador, at 14,000 feet, it's cold, especially in morning. on the other hand, in some of the lower valleys it was blast furnace hot. You'll want layers, raincoats and rain pants, hiking boots and rubber boots. Hats for sure. Ample sunscreen. Lots of ater.
Photography: It's dark. That may seem strange for a country on the equator, but consider: Lots of cloud forests, layered forest canopies and deep ravines. Most of the time, I was shooting at ISO1000 or higher. A tripod is a necessity, and as fast a telephoto lens as you can afford. Flash isn't very practical, except perhaps at lodges with hummingbird feeders.
Birds: We saw 451 species in 13 days of intensive birding. Just for contrast, in 16 years of birding in Alaska, I have managed 232 species. It's hard to imagine a place on the planet with better birding than Ecuador. The Old Loja-Zamora Road, in particular, is simply extraordinary. The steep-sloped canyon of the Rio Bombuscaro gives you canopy-top views along miles of lightly used road. Here's the species list:
Common Names |
Genus |
Species |
Location |
Date |
Horned Screamer |
Anhima |
cornuta |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck |
Dendrocygna |
autumnalis |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Comb Duck |
Sarkidiornis |
melanotos |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Andean Teal |
Anas |
andium |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Andean Ruddy Duck |
Oxyura |
Ferruginea |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Rufous-headed Chachalaca |
Ortalis |
erythroptera |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Speckled Chachalaca |
Ortalis |
guttata |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Bearded Guan |
Penelope |
barbata |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Andean Guan |
Penelope |
montagnii |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Crested Guan |
Penelope |
purpurascens |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Pied-billed Grebe |
Podilymbus |
podiceps |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Neotropic Cormorant |
Phalacrocorax |
brasilianus |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Anhinga |
Anhinga |
anhinga |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Fasciated Tiger-Heron |
Tigrisoma |
fasciatum |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Cocoi Heron |
Ardea |
cocoi |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Great Egret |
Ardea |
alba |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Snowy Egret |
Egretta |
thula |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Cattle Egret |
Bubulcus |
ibis |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Striated Heron |
Butorides |
striata |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Black-crowned Night-Heron |
Nycticorax |
nycticorax |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron |
Nyctanassa |
violacea |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Black Vulture |
Coragyps |
atratus |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Turkey Vulture |
Cathartes |
aura |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
King Vulture |
Sarcoramphus |
papa |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Gray-headed Kite |
Leptodon |
cayanensis |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Hook-billed Kite |
Chondrohierax |
uncinatus |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Swallow-tailed Kite |
Elanoides |
forficatus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Snail Kite |
Rostrhamus |
sociabilis |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Plumbeous Kite |
Ictinia |
plumbea |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle |
Geranoaetus |
melanoleucus |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Sharp-shinned Hawk |
Accipiter |
striatus |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Barred Hawk |
Leucopternis |
princeps |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Gray-backed Hawk |
Leucopternis |
occidentalis |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Great Black-Hawk |
Buteogallus |
urubitinga |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Savanna Hawk |
Buteogallus |
meridionalis |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Roadside Hawk |
Buteo |
magnirostris |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Broad-winged Hawk |
Buteo |
platypterus |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
White-rumped Hawk |
Buteo |
leucorrhous |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Gray Hawk |
Buteo |
nitidus |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Swainson's Hawk |
Buteo |
swainsoni |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Variable Hawk |
Buteo |
polyosoma |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Carunculated Caracara |
Phalcoboenus |
carunculatus |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Crested Caracara |
Caracara |
cheriway |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Laughing Falcon |
Herpetotheres |
cachinnans |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
American Kestrel |
Falco |
sparverius |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Merlin |
Falco |
columbarius |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Bat Falcon |
Falco |
rufigularis |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Peregrine Falcon |
Falco |
peregrinus |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Slate-colored Coot |
Fulica |
ardesiaca |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Black-necked Stilt |
Himantopus |
mexicanus |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Wattled Jacana |
Jacana |
jacana |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Spotted Sandpiper |
Actitis |
macularius |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Lesser Yellowlegs |
Tringa |
flavipes |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Andean Gull |
Chroicocephalus |
serranus |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Rock Pigeon |
Columba |
livia |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Band-tailed Pigeon |
Patagioenas |
fasciata |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Plumbeous Pigeon |
Patagioenas |
plumbea |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
West Peruvian Dove |
Zenaida |
meloda |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Eared Dove |
Zenaida |
auriculata |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Plain-breasted Ground-Dove |
Columbina |
minuta |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Ecuadorian Ground-Dove |
Columbina |
buckleyi |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Croaking Ground-Dove |
Columbina |
cruziana |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
White-tipped Dove |
Leptotila |
verreauxi |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Gray-fronted Dove |
Leptotila |
rufaxilla |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Golden-plumed Parakeet |
Leptosittaca |
branickii |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Maroon-tailed Parakeet |
Pyrrhura |
melanura |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
El Oro Parakeet |
Pyrrhura |
orcesi |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
White-necked Parakeet |
Pyrrhura |
albipectus |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Red-masked Parakeet |
Aratinga |
erythrogenys |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
White-eyed Parakeet |
Aratinga |
leucophthalma |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Barred Parakeet |
Bolborhynchus |
lineola |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Pacific Parrotlet |
Forpus |
coelestis |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Gray-cheeked Parakeet |
Brotogeris |
pyrrhoptera |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Red-billed Parrot |
Pionus |
sordidus |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Bronze-winged Parrot |
Pionus |
chalcopterus |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Red-lored Parrot |
Amazona |
autumnalis |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Scaly-naped Parrot |
Amazona |
mercenaria |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Squirrel Cuckoo |
Piaya |
cayana |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Smooth-billed Ani |
Crotophaga |
ani |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Groove-billed Ani |
Crotophaga |
sulcirostris |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Spectacled Owl |
Pulsatrix |
perspicillata |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Peruvian Pygmy-Owl |
Glaucidium |
peruanum |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Short-eared Owl |
Asio |
flammeus |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Common Nighthawk |
Chordeiles |
minor |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Common Pauraque |
Nyctidromus |
albicollis |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Blackish Nightjar |
Caprimulgus |
nigrescens |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Swallow-tailed Nightjar |
Uropsalis |
segmentata |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Chestnut-collared Swift |
Streptoprocne |
rutila |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
White-collared Swift |
Streptoprocne |
zonaris |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Short-tailed Swift |
Chaetura |
brachyura |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Gray-rumped Swift |
Chaetura |
cinereiventris |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
White-necked Jacobin |
Florisuga |
mellivora |
El Oro |
02/04/11 |
White-tipped Sicklebill |
Eutoxeres |
aquila |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Band-tailed Barbthroat |
Threnetes |
ruckeri |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
White-whiskered Hermit |
Phaethornis |
yaruqui |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Green Hermit |
Phaethornis |
guy |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Long-billed Hermit |
Phaethornis |
longirostris |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Gray-chinned Hermit |
Phaethornis |
griseogularis |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Green-fronted Lancebill |
Doryfera |
ludovicae |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Brown Violetear |
Colibri |
delphinae |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Sparkling Violetear |
Colibri |
coruscans |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Amethyst-throated Sunangel |
Heliangelus |
amethysticollis |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Little Sunangel |
Heliangelus |
micraster |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Purple-throated Sunangel |
Heliangelus |
viola |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Wire-crested Thorntail |
Discosura |
popelairii |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Green Thorntail |
Discosura |
conversii |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Spangled Coquette |
Lophornis |
stictolophus |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Speckled Hummingbird |
Adelomyia |
melanogenys |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Long-tailed Sylph |
Aglaiocercus |
kingi |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Violet-tailed Sylph |
Aglaiocercus |
coelestis |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Blue-mantled Thornbill |
Chalcostigma |
stanleyi |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Tyrian Metaltail |
Metallura |
tyrianthina |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Violet-throated Metaltail |
Metallura |
baroni |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Glowing Puffleg |
Eriocnemis |
vestita |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Shining Sunbeam |
Aglaeactis |
cupripennis |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Collared Inca |
Coeligena |
torquata |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Buff-winged Starfrontlet |
Coeligena |
lutetiae |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Rainbow Starfrontlet |
Coeligena |
iris |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Mountain Velvetbreast |
Lafresnaya |
lafresnayi |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Chestnut-breasted Coronet |
Boissonneaua |
matthewsii |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Fawn-breasted Brilliant |
Heliodoxa |
rubinoides |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Green-crowned Brilliant |
Heliodoxa |
jacula |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Violet-fronted Brilliant |
Heliodoxa |
leadbeateri |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Long-billed Starthroat |
Heliomaster |
longirostris |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Little Woodstar |
Chaetocercus |
bombus |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Violet-headed Hummingbird |
Klais |
guimeti |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
White-vented Plumeleteer |
Chalybura |
buffonii |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Green-crowned Woodnymph |
Thalurania |
fannyi |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Fork-tailed Woodnymph |
Thalurania |
furcata |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Tumbes Hummingbird |
Leucippus |
baeri |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Amazilia Hummingbird |
Amazilia |
amazilia |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Andean Emerald |
Amazilia |
franciae |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Glittering-throated Emerald |
Amazilia |
fimbriata |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird |
Amazilia |
tzacatl |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Violet-bellied Hummingbird |
Damophila |
julie |
Guayaquil |
02/04/11 |
Ecuadorian Trogon |
Trogon |
mesurus |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Collared Trogon |
Trogon |
collaris |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Masked Trogon |
Trogon |
personatus |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Blue-crowned Motmot |
Momotus |
coeruliceps |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Ringed Kingfisher |
Megaceryle |
torquata |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Green Kingfisher |
Chloroceryle |
americana |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Coppery-chested Jacamar |
Galbula |
pastazae |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Red-headed Barbet |
Eubucco |
bourcierii |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan |
Andigena |
hypoglauca |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Collared Aracari |
Pteroglossus |
torquatus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Chestnut-mandibled Toucan |
Ramphastos |
swainsonii |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Choco Toucan |
Ramphastos |
brevis |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Lafresnaye's Piculet |
Picumnus |
lafresnayi |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Ecuadorian Piculet |
Picumnus |
sclateri |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker |
Melanerpes |
cruentatus |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Red-rumped Woodpecker |
Veniliornis |
kirkii |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Little Woodpecker |
Veniliornis |
passerinus |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Scarlet-backed Woodpecker |
Veniliornis |
callonotus |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Golden-olive Woodpecker |
Colaptes |
rubiginosus |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Crimson-mantled Woodpecker |
Colaptes |
rivolii |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Lineated Woodpecker |
Dryocopus |
lineatus |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Crimson-crested Woodpecker |
Campephilus |
melanoleucos |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Guayaquil Woodpecker |
Campephilus |
gayaquilensis |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Stout-billed Cinclodes |
Cinclodes |
excelsior |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Chestnut-winged Cinclodes |
Cinclodes |
albidiventris |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Pale-legged Hornero |
Furnarius |
leucopus |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Andean Tit-Spinetail |
Leptasthenura |
andicola |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Azara's Spinetail |
Synallaxis |
azarae |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Dark-breasted Spinetail |
Synallaxis |
albigularis |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Slaty Spinetail |
Synallaxis |
brachyura |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Blackish-headed Spinetail |
Synallaxis |
tithys |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Ash-browed Spinetail |
Cranioleuca |
curtata |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Line-cheeked Spinetail |
Cranioleuca |
antisiensis |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Many-striped Canastero |
Asthenes |
flammulata |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Mouse-colored Thistletail |
Asthenes |
griseomurina |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Rufous-fronted Thornbird |
Phacellodomus |
rufifrons |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Equatorial Graytail |
Xenerpestes |
singularis |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Pearled Treerunner |
Margarornis |
squamiger |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Buffy Tuftedcheek |
Pseudocolaptes |
lawrencii |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Streaked Tuftedcheek |
Pseudocolaptes |
boissonneautii |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner |
Anabacerthia |
variegaticeps |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Montane Foliage-gleaner |
Anabacerthia |
striaticollis |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Lineated Foliage-gleaner |
Syndactyla |
subalaris |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Striped Woodhaunter |
Hyloctistes |
subulatus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner |
Hylocryptus |
erythrocephalus |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Plain Xenops |
Xenops |
minutus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Streaked Xenops |
Xenops |
rutilans |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Plain-brown Woodcreeper |
Dendrocincla |
fuliginosa |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Olivaceous Woodcreeper |
Sittasomus |
griseicapillus |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper |
Glyphorynchus |
spirurus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Strong-billed Woodcreeper |
Xiphocolaptes |
promeropirhynchus |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Buff-throated Woodcreeper |
Xiphorhynchus |
guttatus |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Spotted Woodcreeper |
Xiphorhynchus |
erythropygius |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Olive-backed Woodcreeper |
Xiphorhynchus |
triangularis |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Streak-headed Woodcreeper |
Lepidocolaptes |
souleyetii |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Montane Woodcreeper |
Lepidocolaptes |
lacrymiger |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Red-billed Scythebill |
Campylorhamphus |
trochilirostris |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Great Antshrike |
Taraba |
major |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Chapman's Antshrike |
Thamnophilus |
zarumae |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Lined Antshrike |
Thamnophilus |
tenuepunctatus |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Collared Antshrike |
Thamnophilus |
bernardi |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Western Slaty-Antshrike |
Thamnophilus |
atrinucha |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Russet Antshrike |
Thamnistes |
anabatinus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Plain Antvireo |
Dysithamnus |
mentalis |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Checker-throated Antwren |
Epinecrophylla |
fulviventris |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Slaty Antwren |
Myrmotherula |
schisticolor |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Yellow-breasted Antwren |
Herpsilochmus |
axillaris |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Blackish Antbird |
Cercomacra |
nigrescens |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Chestnut-backed Antbird |
Myrmeciza |
exsul |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Esmeraldas Antbird |
Myrmeciza |
nigricauda |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Immaculate Antbird |
Myrmeciza |
immaculata |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Gray-headed Antbird |
Myrmeciza |
griseiceps |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Watkins's Antpitta |
Grallaria |
watkinsi |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Jocotoco Antpitta |
Grallaria |
ridgelyi |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Chestnut-naped Antpitta |
Grallaria |
nuchalis |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Tawny Antpitta |
Grallaria |
quitensis |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Chusquea Tapaculo |
Scytalopus |
parkeri |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Brown-capped Tyrannulet |
Ornithion |
brunneicapillus |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet |
Camptostoma |
obsoletum |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
White-tailed Tyrannulet |
Mecocerculus |
poecilocercus |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
White-banded Tyrannulet |
Mecocerculus |
stictopterus |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Tufted Tit-Tyrant |
Anairetes |
parulus |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Mouse-colored Tyrannulet |
Phaeomyias |
murina |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Yellow Tyrannulet |
Capsiempis |
flaveola |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Pacific Elaenia |
Myiopagis |
subplacens |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Greenish Elaenia |
Myiopagis |
viridicata |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Yellow-bellied Elaenia |
Elaenia |
flavogaster |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
White-crested Elaenia |
Elaenia |
albiceps |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Mottle-backed Elaenia |
Elaenia |
gigas |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Sierran Elaenia |
Elaenia |
pallatangae |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Streak-necked Flycatcher |
Mionectes |
striaticollis |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Olive-striped Flycatcher |
Mionectes |
olivaceus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Slaty-capped Flycatcher |
Leptopogon |
superciliaris |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Spectacled Bristle-Tyrant |
Phylloscartes |
orbitalis |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Ecuadorian Tyrannulet |
Phylloscartes |
gualaquizae |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Sooty-headed Tyrannulet |
Phyllomyias |
griseiceps |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Black-capped Tyrannulet |
Phyllomyias |
nigrocapillus |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet |
Phyllomyias |
uropygialis |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Golden-faced Tyrannulet |
Zimmerius |
chrysops |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Ornate Flycatcher |
Myiotriccus |
ornatus |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Tawny-crowned Pygmy-Tyrant |
Euscarthmus |
meloryphus |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant |
Lophotriccus |
pileatus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Black-throated Tody-Tyrant |
Hemitriccus |
granadensis |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Common Tody-Flycatcher |
Todirostrum |
cinereum |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Brownish Twistwing |
Cnipodectes |
subbrunneus |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Yellow-olive Flycatcher |
Tolmomyias |
sulphurescens |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher |
Terenotriccus |
erythrurus |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Cinnamon Flycatcher |
Pyrrhomyias |
cinnamomeus |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Cliff Flycatcher |
Hirundinea |
ferruginea |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Orange-banded Flycatcher |
Nephelomyias |
lintoni |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher |
Myiobius |
sulphureipygius |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Olive-chested Flycatcher |
Myiophobus |
cryptoxanthus |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Gray-breasted Flycatcher |
Lathrotriccus |
griseipectus |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Smoke-colored Pewee |
Contopus |
fumigatus |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Tropical Pewee |
Contopus |
cinereus |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Black Phoebe |
Sayornis |
nigricans |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Plain-capped Ground-Tyrant |
Muscisaxicola |
alpinus |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Streak-throated Bush-Tyrant |
Myiotheretes |
striaticollis |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant |
Cnemarchus |
erythropygius |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant |
Ochthoeca |
fumicolor |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Dusky-capped Flycatcher |
Myiarchus |
tuberculifer |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Short-crested Flycatcher |
Myiarchus |
ferox |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Sooty-crowned Flycatcher |
Myiarchus |
phaeocephalus |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Great Kiskadee |
Pitangus |
sulphuratus |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Boat-billed Flycatcher |
Megarynchus |
pitangua |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Rusty-margined Flycatcher |
Myiozetetes |
cayanensis |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Social Flycatcher |
Myiozetetes |
similis |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Gray-capped Flycatcher |
Myiozetetes |
granadensis |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Golden-crowned Flycatcher |
Myiodynastes |
chrysocephalus |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Baird's Flycatcher |
Myiodynastes |
bairdii |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Streaked Flycatcher |
Myiodynastes |
maculatus |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Piratic Flycatcher |
Legatus |
leucophaius |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Tropical Kingbird |
Tyrannus |
melancholicus |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Green-and-black Fruiteater |
Pipreola |
riefferii |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Red-crested Cotinga |
Ampelion |
rubrocristatus |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Andean Cock-of-the-rock |
Rupicola |
peruvianus |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Long-wattled Umbrellabird |
Cephalopterus |
penduliger |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Club-winged Manakin |
Machaeropterus |
deliciosus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Blue-rumped Manakin |
Lepidothrix |
isidorei |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Black-crowned Tityra |
Tityra |
inquisitor |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Masked Tityra |
Tityra |
semifasciata |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Green-backed Becard |
Pachyramphus |
viridis |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Barred Becard |
Pachyramphus |
versicolor |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Slaty Becard |
Pachyramphus |
spodiurus |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Black-and-white Becard |
Pachyramphus |
albogriseus |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
One-colored Becard |
Pachyramphus |
homochrous |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Brown-capped Vireo |
Vireo |
leucophrys |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Red-eyed Vireo |
Vireo |
olivaceus |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Olivaceous Greenlet |
Hylophilus |
olivaceus |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Lesser Greenlet |
Hylophilus |
decurtatus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Rufous-browed Peppershrike |
Cyclarhis |
gujanensis |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Turquoise Jay |
Cyanolyca |
turcosa |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Green Jay |
Cyanocorax |
yncas |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
White-tailed Jay |
Cyanocorax |
mystacalis |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Blue-and-white Swallow |
Pygochelidon |
cyanoleuca |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Pale-footed Swallow |
Orochelidon |
flavipes |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Brown-bellied Swallow |
Orochelidon |
murina |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
White-banded Swallow |
Atticora |
fasciata |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Southern Rough-winged Swallow |
Stelgidopteryx |
ruficollis |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Gray-breasted Martin |
Progne |
chalybea |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Bank Swallow |
Riparia |
riparia |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Barn Swallow |
Hirundo |
rustica |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Chestnut-collared Swallow |
Petrochelidon |
rufocollaris |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Fasciated Wren |
Campylorhynchus |
fasciatus |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Rufous Wren |
Cinnycerthia |
unirufa |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Sharpe's Wren |
Cinnycerthia |
olivascens |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Speckle-breasted Wren |
Pheugopedius |
sclateri |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Bay Wren |
Cantorchilus |
nigricapillus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Superciliated Wren |
Cantorchilus |
superciliaris |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
House Wren |
Troglodytes |
aedon |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Mountain Wren |
Troglodytes |
solstitialis |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren |
Henicorhina |
leucophrys |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Song Wren |
Cyphorhinus |
phaeocephalus |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Tropical Gnatcatcher |
Polioptila |
plumbea |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
White-capped Dipper |
Cinclus |
leucocephalus |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Black-capped Donacobius |
Donacobius |
atricapilla |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Swainson's Thrush |
Catharus |
ustulatus |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Plumbeous-backed Thrush |
Turdus |
reevei |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Ecuadorian Thrush |
Turdus |
maculirostris |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Black-billed Thrush |
Turdus |
ignobilis |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
MaraÒon Thrush |
Turdus |
maranonicus |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Great Thrush |
Turdus |
fuscater |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Chiguanco Thrush |
Turdus |
chiguanco |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Glossy-black Thrush |
Turdus |
serranus |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Long-tailed Mockingbird |
Mimus |
longicaudatus |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Citrine Wagtail |
Motacilla |
citreola |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Tropical Parula |
Parula |
pitiayumi |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Blackburnian Warbler |
Dendroica |
fusca |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Cerulean Warbler |
Dendroica |
cerulea |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
American Redstart |
Setophaga |
ruticilla |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Olive-crowned Yellowthroat |
Geothlypis |
semiflava |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Canada Warbler |
Wilsonia |
canadensis |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Slate-throated Redstart |
Myioborus |
miniatus |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Spectacled Redstart |
Myioborus |
melanocephalus |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Gray-and-gold Warbler |
Basileuterus |
fraseri |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Black-crested Warbler |
Basileuterus |
nigrocristatus |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Russet-crowned Warbler |
Basileuterus |
coronatus |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Three-banded Warbler |
Basileuterus |
trifasciatus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Three-striped Warbler |
Basileuterus |
tristriatus |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Buff-rumped Warbler |
Phaeothlypis |
fulvicauda |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Bananaquit |
Coereba |
flaveola |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Black-faced Tanager |
Schistochlamys |
melanopis |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Magpie Tanager |
Cissopis |
leverianus |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Black-and-white Tanager |
Conothraupis |
speculigera |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Black-capped Hemispingus |
Hemispingus |
atropileus |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Gray-hooded Bush Tanager |
Cnemoscopus |
rubrirostris |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Rufous-chested Tanager |
Thlypopsis |
ornata |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Cinereous Conebill |
Conirostrum |
cinereum |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Blue-backed Conebill |
Conirostrum |
sitticolor |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Capped Conebill |
Conirostrum |
albifrons |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Tit-like Dacnis |
Xenodacnis |
parina |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Common Bush-Tanager |
Chlorospingus |
ophthalmicus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Yellow-throated Bush-Tanager |
Chlorospingus |
flavigularis |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Ashy-throated Bush-Tanager |
Chlorospingus |
canigularis |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Flame-crested Tanager |
Tachyphonus |
cristatus |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
White-shouldered Tanager |
Tachyphonus |
luctuosus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
White-lined Tanager |
Tachyphonus |
rufus |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Silver-beaked Tanager |
Ramphocelus |
carbo |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Flame-rumped Tanager |
Ramphocelus |
flammigerus |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Blue-gray Tanager |
Thraupis |
episcopus |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Palm Tanager |
Thraupis |
palmarum |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Blue-capped Tanager |
Thraupis |
cyanocephala |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Vermilion Tanager |
Calochaetes |
coccineus |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Hooded Mountain-Tanager |
Buthraupis |
montana |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Lacrimose Mountain-Tanager |
Anisognathus |
lacrymosus |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager |
Anisognathus |
igniventris |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Grass-green Tanager |
Chlorornis |
riefferii |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager |
Dubusia |
taeniata |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Golden-crowned Tanager |
Iridosornis |
rufivertex |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Fawn-breasted Tanager |
Pipraeidea |
melanonota |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Orange-eared Tanager |
Chlorochrysa |
calliparaea |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Paradise Tanager |
Tangara |
chilensis |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Green-and-gold Tanager |
Tangara |
schrankii |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Golden Tanager |
Tangara |
arthus |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Silver-throated Tanager |
Tangara |
icterocephala |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Saffron-crowned Tanager |
Tangara |
xanthocephala |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Golden-eared Tanager |
Tangara |
chrysotis |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Flame-faced Tanager |
Tangara |
parzudakii |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Yellow-bellied Tanager |
Tangara |
xanthogastra |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Spotted Tanager |
Tangara |
punctata |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Bay-headed Tanager |
Tangara |
gyrola |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Golden-naped Tanager |
Tangara |
ruficervix |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Blue-browed Tanager |
Tangara |
cyanotis |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Blue-necked Tanager |
Tangara |
cyanicollis |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Beryl-spangled Tanager |
Tangara |
nigroviridis |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Blue-and-black Tanager |
Tangara |
vassorii |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Silvery Tanager |
Tangara |
viridicollis |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Black-faced Dacnis |
Dacnis |
lineata |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Blue Dacnis |
Dacnis |
cayana |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Green Honeycreeper |
Chlorophanes |
spiza |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Purple Honeycreeper |
Cyanerpes |
caeruleus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Swallow Tanager |
Tersina |
viridis |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Streaked Saltator |
Saltator |
striatipectus |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Grayish Saltator |
Saltator |
coerulescens |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Black-cowled Saltator |
Saltator |
nigriceps |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Buff-throated Saltator |
Saltator |
maximus |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Black-winged Saltator |
Saltator |
atripennis |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Plumbeous Sierra-Finch |
Phrygilus |
unicolor |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch |
Phrygilus |
plebejus |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Band-tailed Sierra-Finch |
Phrygilus |
alaudinus |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Blue-black Grassquit |
Volatinia |
jacarina |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Variable Seedeater |
Sporophila |
corvina |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Yellow-bellied Seedeater |
Sporophila |
nigricollis |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Parrot-billed Seedeater |
Sporophila |
peruviana |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Drab Seedeater |
Sporophila |
simplex |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Chestnut-bellied Seedeater |
Sporophila |
castaneiventris |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Thick-billed Seed-Finch |
Oryzoborus |
funereus |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Plain-colored Seedeater |
Catamenia |
inornata |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Dull-colored Grassquit |
Tiaris |
obscurus |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Slaty Finch |
Haplospiza |
rustica |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Black Flowerpiercer |
Diglossa |
humeralis |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
White-sided Flowerpiercer |
Diglossa |
albilatera |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Bluish Flowerpiercer |
Diglossa |
caerulescens |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Masked Flowerpiercer |
Diglossa |
cyanea |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
Saffron Finch |
Sicalis |
flaveola |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Crimson-breasted Finch |
Rhodospingus |
cruentus |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Olive Finch |
Arremon |
castaneiceps |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Orange-billed Sparrow |
Arremon |
aurantiirostris |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Black-capped Sparrow |
Arremon |
abeillei |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Stripe-headed Brush-Finch |
Arremon |
torquatus |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Black-striped Sparrow |
Arremonops |
conirostris |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Pale-naped Brush-Finch |
Atlapetes |
pallidinucha |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Yellow-breasted Brush-Finch |
Atlapetes |
latinuchus |
Cajas National Park |
02/10/11 |
White-winged Brush-Finch |
Atlapetes |
leucopterus |
Utana |
02/09/11 |
White-headed Brush-Finch |
Atlapetes |
albiceps |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Bay-crowned Brush-Finch |
Atlapetes |
seebohmi |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Rufous-naped Brush-Finch |
Atlapetes |
rufinucha |
Tapichalaca |
02/10/11 |
Tumbes Sparrow |
Rhynchospiza |
stolzmanni |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Yellow-browed Sparrow |
Ammodramus |
aurifrons |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Rufous-collared Sparrow |
Zonotrichia |
capensis |
Utana |
02/08/11 |
Hepatic Tanager |
Piranga |
flava |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
Summer Tanager |
Piranga |
rubra |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
White-winged Tanager |
Piranga |
leucoptera |
Podocarpus |
02/14/11 |
Golden-bellied Grosbeak |
Pheucticus |
chrysogaster |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Peruvian Meadowlark |
Sturnella |
bellicosa |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Scrub Blackbird |
Dives |
warszewiczi |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Great-tailed Grackle |
Quiscalus |
mexicanus |
Guayaquil |
02/03/11 |
Shiny Cowbird |
Molothrus |
bonariensis |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Giant Cowbird |
Molothrus |
oryzivorus |
Jorupe Reserve |
02/07/11 |
White-edged Oriole |
Icterus |
graceannae |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Yellow-tailed Oriole |
Icterus |
mesomelas |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Yellow-billed Cacique |
Amblycercus |
holosericeus |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
Mountain Cacique |
Cacicus |
chrysonotus |
Cuenca |
02/15/11 |
Scarlet-rumped Cacique |
Cacicus |
uropygialis |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Yellow-rumped Cacique |
Cacicus |
cela |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Russet-backed Oropendola |
Psarocolius |
angustifrons |
Tapichalaca |
02/12/11 |
Crested Oropendola |
Psarocolius |
decumanus |
Tapichalaca |
02/13/11 |
Chestnut-headed Oropendola |
Psarocolius |
wagleri |
Buenaventura |
02/06/11 |
Orange-crowned Euphonia |
Euphonia |
saturata |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Thick-billed Euphonia |
Euphonia |
laniirostris |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Orange-bellied Euphonia |
Euphonia |
xanthogaster |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Lesser Goldfinch |
Spinus |
psaltria |
Buenaventura |
02/04/11 |
Hooded Siskin |
Spinus |
magellanicus |
Cajas National Park |
02/16/11 |
Saffron Siskin |
Spinus |
siemiradzkii |
Buenaventura |
02/05/11 |
Olivaceous Siskin |
Spinus |
olivaceus |
Tapichalaca |
02/11/11 |
House Sparrow |
Passer |
domesticus |
Utana |
02/08/11 |